2023 January Contest -- Final Results
The 2023 January contest featured algorithmic programming problems covering a wide range of techniques and levels of difficulty.
A total of 12835 distinct users logged into the contest during its 4-day span. A total of 10119 participants submitted at least one solution, hailing from 89 different countries:
4773 USA 3312 CHN 321 KOR 321 CAN 140 IND 98 ROU 87 SGP 81 VNM 73 TWN 72 MYS 62 GEO 57 DEU 52 ISR 48 HKG 42 ARM 36 AUS 31 EGY 30 POL 30 GBR 30 BLR 24 JPN 23 FRA 23 AZE 18 NZL 17 IRN 15 TUR 14 MEX 14 COL 13 KAZ 13 ESP 12 SLV 12 MNG 11 SYR 10 TUN 10 RUS 10 IDN 10 GRC 10 CUB 9 BGD 8 NLD 8 EST 7 UZB 7 SRB 7 PHL 7 PAK 7 CHE 7 BGR 6 ZAF 6 LTU 6 KGZ 6 HRV 5 UKR 5 THA 5 ARE 4 SWE 4 PER 4 BRA 3 TJK 3 NPL 3 IRL 3 BEL 2 TKM 2 MLT 2 LKA 2 ITA 2 ISL 2 ETH 1 VEN 1 SVN 1 SVK 1 SAU 1 PRT 1 PRK 1 NOR 1 NGA 1 MDA 1 KIR 1 KHM 1 GUM 1 FIN 1 CZE 1 CYP 1 CHL 1 BMU 1 BLZ 1 BDI 1 AUT 1 ARG 1 AFGIn total, there were 27301 graded submissions, broken down by language as follows:
12771 C++17 5867 C++11 4769 Java 3735 Python 3.6.9 131 C 28 Python 2.7.17
Below are the detailed results for each of the platinum, gold, silver, and bronze contests. You will also find solutions and test data for each problem, and by clicking on any problem you can practice re-submitting solutions in "analysis mode". If you are logged in, you will also see your own specific results below alongside the contest(s) you took.
USACO 2023 January Contest, Platinum
The platinum division had 511 total participants, of whom 346 were pre-college students. Results for top scorers are here. Congratulations to all of the top participants for their excellent results!
USACO 2023 January Contest, Gold
The gold division had 981 total participants, of whom 682 were pre-college students. All competitors who scored 750 or higher on this contest are automatically promoted to the platinum division. Detailed results for all those promoted are here.
USACO 2023 January Contest, Silver
The silver division had 4408 total participants, of whom 3328 were pre-college students. All competitors who scored 700 or higher on this contest are automatically promoted to the gold division.
USACO 2023 January Contest, Bronze
The bronze division had 8576 total participants, of whom 6660 were pre-college students. All competitors who scored 750 or higher on this contest are automatically promoted to the silver division.
Final Remarks
Those seeking trivial problems would need to look somewhere other than this contest. Nonetheless, even though each division featured a lineup of quite challenging tasks, we still saw an impressive number of high scores.
For those not yet promoted, remember that the more practice you get, the better your algorithmic coding skills will become -- please keep at it! USACO contests are designed to challenge even the very best students, and it can take a good deal of hard work to excel at them. To help you fix any bugs in your code, you can now re-submit your solutions and get feedback from the judging server using "analysis mode".
A large number of people contribute towards the quality and success of USACO contests. Those who helped with this contest include Mythreya Dharani, Aryansh Shrivastava, Eric Hsu, Brandon Wang, Claire Zhang, Benjamin Qi, William Yue, Eric Yang, Danny Mittal, David Hu, Nick Wu, Nathan Wang, Andi Qu, Richard Qi, Timothy Qian, Mihir Singhal, and Spencer Compton. Thanks also to our translators and to Clemson CCIT for providing our contest infrastructure. Finally, we are grateful to the USACO sponsors for their generous support: Citadel, Ansatz, X-Camp, TwoSigma, VPlanet Coding, EasyFunCoding, Orijtech, and Jump Trading.
We look forward to seeing everyone again for the third contest of the season!
Happy coding!
- Brian Dean ([email protected])
Professor and Acting Director, School of Computing, Clemson University
Director, USACO