First, create a new "start" node and add edges from it to every sender. Also add an "end" node and add edges from every receiver to it. In order for a routing scheme to exist, all $N$ original nodes must now have equal in-degree as out-degree; let $\text{deg}(i)$ equal this common degree.
For each node $n\in [1,N]$, we must pair up every in-edge of the form $i\to n$ with a distinct out-edge of the form $n\to o$, meaning that if a packet enters $n$ through $i\to n$ it will exit through $n\to o$. Such pairings will result in a valid routing scheme as long as no cycles are induced. For example, in the first test case of the third sample input, $\{2\to 1, 1\to 2\to 3\to 1\}$ uses all the edges but is not a valid routing scheme due to the induced cycle $1\to 2\to 3\to 1$.
For $K=0$, it is impossible to induce a cycle, so we can simply compute the number of ways to pair for each node independently and multiply the contributions together. The answer is given by the following expression:
For example, in the second test case of the first sample input, $\text{deg}(4)=3$ and $\text{deg}(10)=2$, so the answer is $3!\cdot 2!=12$.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; assert(K <= 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; mi ans = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) ans *= factorial[deg[i]]; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
For $K=1$, suppose that the only edge satisfying $i>j$ is $e_{start}\to e_{end}$. Then the pairing is invalid if and only if there exists some sequence $e_{end}=v_0\to v_1\to v_2\to \cdots\to v_k=e_{start}$ such that $v_i<v_{i+1}$ and edge $v_i\to v_{i+1}$ paired with edge $v_{i+1}\to v_{(i+2)\%K}$ at $v_{i+1}$ for all $i\in [0,k)$. We can count the number of valid routing schemes with an $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ DP where we pair up the edges adjacent to $i$ in increasing order of $i$. Let $dp[i][j]$ equal the number of ways to pair up the edges adjacent to vertices $1\ldots i$ such that there is currently a path $e_{end}=v_0\to v_1\to v_2\to \cdots\to v_k=j$ where $j>i$ (or $j=0$ if we know that regardless of how we pair up the edges adjacent vertices $i+1\ldots N$, no cycle will be produced). Initially, $dp[0][e_{end}]=1$, and our answer will be $dp[N][0]$.
There are several possible transitions from $dp[i-1][j]$:
Code for $K\le 1$:
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { mi dp[101][101]{}; bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; assert(K <= 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } int e_start = 0, e_end = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) e_start = i, e_end = j; } } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; // now do DP dp[0][e_end] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j <= N; ++j) if (dp[i-1][j].v != 0) { assert(j == 0 || j >= i); if (j == i) { mi ad = dp[i-1][j]*factorial[deg[i]-1]; if (j == e_start) dp[i][0] += (deg[i]-1)*ad; else { if (recei[j]) dp[i][0] += ad; for (int k = i+1; k <= N; ++k) if (adj[j][k]) dp[i][k] += ad; } } else { dp[i][j] += dp[i-1][j]*factorial[deg[i]]; } } cout << dp[N][0].v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Essentially, our solution for $K=1$ involves sweeping a vertical line from $i=1$ to $i=N$ and maintaining the endpoint of a path that we want to make sure does not become part of a cycle (the start point of the path is $e_{start}$). When the line hits the current endpoint of the path ($j=i$), we perform the appropriate DP transitions; otherwise, we can pair up the edges adjacent to $i$ in whatever way we want (for $j\neq i$, just multiply by $deg(i)!$).
$K>1$ is trickier but the idea is similar. Instead of a single path, we can maintain the start and end points of up to $K$ paths such that both the start and end points of each path are to the right of the line. Specifically, let $dp[i][j][k]$ equal the number of ways to pair up the edges adjacent to vertices $1\ldots i$ such that there is currently a path $ends[0]\to starts[0]\to \cdots\to j$ where $j\ge i$ and $ends[0]\ge i$ (or $j=0$ if no such path exists), as well as a path $ends[1]\to starts[1]\to\cdots \to k$ where $k\ge i$ and $ends[1]\ge i$ (or $k=0$ if no such path exists). We initialize $dp[0][ends[0]][ends[1]]=1$ because initially, the paths lying to the right of the sweepline are $starts[0]\to ends[0]$ and $starts[1]\to ends[1]$. The answer will be stored in $dp[N][0][0]$.
Figuring out the transitions from $dp[i-1][j][k]$ depends on whether $i=j$, $i=k$, or both. It requires a bit of casework since we may choose to merge the two paths into one; see the code for details.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } void solve() { mi dp[101][101][101]{}; bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}, id[101][101]{}; // setup int N,K; cin >> N >> K; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } vector<int> starts, ends; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { id[i][j] = -1; char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) { id[i][j] = starts.size(); starts.push_back(i); ends.push_back(j); } } } while (starts.size() < 2) starts.push_back(0), ends.push_back(0); for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } vector<mi> factorial(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; // DP // sweep line: keep track of which segments cross the border dp[0][ends[0]][ends[1]] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j <= N; ++j) for (int k = 0; k <= N; ++k) if (dp[i-1][j][k].v != 0) { // paths are (starts[0],j), (starts[1],k) mi ad = dp[i-1][j][k]; vector<int> in; // which path endpoints do we hit? if (j) { assert(starts[0] >= i && j >= i); if (j == i) in.push_back(0); } if (k) { assert(starts[1] >= i && k >= i); if (k == i) in.push_back(1); } ad *= factorial[deg[i]-in.size()]; auto inc_dp = [&](int jj, int kk) { if (starts[0] <= i || jj <= i) jj = 0; if (starts[1] <= i || kk <= i) kk = 0; dp[i][jj][kk] += ad; }; if (in.empty()) { inc_dp(j,k); continue; } // paths remain same, ez vector<int> out; for (int jj = 1; jj <= N; ++jj) if (adj[i][jj] || (i == jj && recei[jj])) out.push_back(jj); assert(out.size() == deg[i]); if (in == vector<int>{0}) { for (int jj: out) { if (id[i][jj] == 0) continue; if (id[i][jj] == 1) inc_dp(k,0); // merge paths else inc_dp(jj,k); } } else if (in == vector<int>{1}) { for (int kk: out) { if (id[i][kk] == 1) continue; if (id[i][kk] == 0) inc_dp(0,j); // merge paths else inc_dp(j,kk); } } else { assert((in == vector<int>{0,1})); for (int jj: out) for (int kk: out) if (jj != kk) { if (id[i][jj] == 0 || id[i][kk] == 1) continue; if (id[i][jj] == 1) { if (id[i][kk] == 0) continue; assert(kk >= i); inc_dp(kk,0); // merge paths } else if (id[i][kk] == 0) { assert(jj >= i); inc_dp(0,jj); // merge paths } else { inc_dp(jj,kk); } } } } cout << dp[N][0][0].v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Another version that should work in $\mathcal{O}(N^{K+1})$ for any fixed $K$ (ignoring factors of $\log N$):
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; using vpi = vector<pair<int,int>>; #define f first #define s second #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() struct mi { int v; mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v) { v = int(_v%MOD); } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } string G[100], nodes; int N,K; int in_deg(int i) { int in = 0; if (nodes[i] == 'S') ++in; for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) if (G[j][i] == '1') ++in; return in; } namespace std { template<class Fun> class y_combinator_result { Fun fun_; public: template<class T> explicit y_combinator_result(T &&fun): fun_(std::forward<T>(fun)) {} template<class ...Args> decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&...args) { return fun_(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Args>(args)...); } }; template<class Fun> decltype(auto) y_combinator(Fun &&fun) { return y_combinator_result<std::decay_t<Fun>>(std::forward<Fun>(fun)); } } // namespace std vector<mi> factorial; map<vpi,mi> dp; void process_vert(int v) { int deg = in_deg(v); map<vpi,mi> DP; for (pair<vpi,mi> tmp: dp) { auto comp = [&](int x) { return -x-1; }; vector<int> going_in, going_out; for (int j = 0; j < sz(tmp.f); ++j) { if (tmp.f[j].s == v) going_in.push_back(comp(j)); if (tmp.f[j].f == v) going_out.push_back(comp(j)); } for (int j = v+1; j < N; ++j) if (G[v][j] == '1') going_out.push_back(j); while (sz(going_out) < deg) going_out.push_back(v); vector<bool> done(sz(going_out)); auto tran = [&](vpi edges, mi num) { map<int,int> nex, xen; for (pair<int,int> e: edges) { nex[e.f] = e.s; xen[e.s] = e.f; } vpi ntmp; for (pair<int,int> x: nex) { set<int> vis; int lst = x.f; while (1) { // check for cycle if (vis.count(lst)) return; // found cycle if (!nex.count(lst)) break; vis.insert(lst); lst = nex[lst]; } if (!xen.count(x.f)) { if (lst < 0) lst = tmp.f[comp(lst)].s; if (lst > v) ntmp.push_back({tmp.f[comp(x.f)].f,lst}); } } // if nex contains any cycle -> FAIL for (pair<int,int> t: tmp.f) if (t.f > v && t.s > v) ntmp.push_back(t); sort(begin(ntmp),end(ntmp)); DP[ntmp] += num; }; auto generate = y_combinator([&](auto self, int ind, vpi edges) { if (ind == sz(going_in)) { tran(edges,tmp.s*factorial[sz(going_out)-ind]); return; } for (int i = 0; i < sz(going_out); ++i) if (!done[i]) { vpi nedges = edges; nedges.emplace_back(going_in[ind],going_out[i]); done[i] = 1; self(ind+1,nedges); done[i] = 0; } }); generate(0,vpi()); } swap(dp,DP); } void solve() { cin >> N >> K; factorial.resize(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; cin >> nodes; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) cin >> G[i]; vpi back_edges; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) if (G[i][j] == '1') back_edges.emplace_back(i,j); assert(sz(back_edges) == K); dp.clear(); dp[back_edges] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) process_vert(i); mi ans = dp[{}]; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
Danny Mittal's code (slightly different approach):
import; import; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class RoutingSchemesMultitest { public static final long MOD = 1000000007; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; int t = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); for (int tc = 1; tc <= t; tc++) { in.readLine(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine()); int n = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); int k = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); char[] types = ("." + in.readLine()).toCharArray(); boolean[][] adj = new boolean[n + 1][n + 1]; int[] inDegree = new int[n + 1]; int[] outDegree = new int[n + 1]; int specialFrom1 = 0; int specialTo1 = 0; int specialFrom2 = 0; int specialTo2 = 0; for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { String line = " " + in.readLine(); for (int b = 1; b <= n; b++) { adj[a][b] = line.charAt(b) == '1'; if (adj[a][b]) { outDegree[a]++; inDegree[b]++; if (a > b) { adj[a][b] = false; if (specialFrom1 == 0) { specialFrom1 = a; specialTo1 = b; } else { specialFrom2 = a; specialTo2 = b; } } } } } for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (inDegree[a] + (types[a] == 'S' ? 1 : 0) != outDegree[a] + (types[a] == 'R' ? 1 : 0)) { System.out.println(0); return; } } long[] factorial = new long[n + 1]; factorial[0] = 1; for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { factorial[j] = (((long) j) * factorial[j - 1]) % MOD; } long[][][] dp = new long[n + 1][n + 1][n + 1]; dp[0][specialTo1][specialTo2] = 1; for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { int degree = Math.max(inDegree[a], outDegree[a]); for (int b = 0; b <= n; b++) { for (int c = 0; c <= n; c++) { dp[a][b][c] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][b][c] %= MOD; if (adj[b][a]) { dp[a][a][c] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][a][c] %= MOD; } if (adj[c][a]) { dp[a][b][a] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][b][a] %= MOD; } if (b != c && adj[b][a] && adj[c][a]) { dp[a][a][a] += dp[a - 1][b][c]; dp[a][a][a] %= MOD; } } } for (int b = 0; b <= n; b++) { for (int c = 0; c <= n; c++) { dp[a][b][c] *= factorial[Math.max(0, degree - (b == a ? 1 : 0) - (c == a ? 1 : 0))]; dp[a][b][c] %= MOD; } } } long answer = 0; if (k == 0) { answer = dp[n][0][0]; } else if (k == 1) { for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (types[a] == 'R') { answer += dp[n][a][0]; answer %= MOD; } } } else { for (int a = 1; a <= n; a++) { if (types[a] == 'R') { for (int b = 1; b <= n; b++) { if (types[b] == 'R' && b != a) { answer += dp[n][a][b]; answer %= MOD; } } answer += dp[n][specialFrom2][a]; answer += dp[n][a][specialFrom1]; answer %= MOD; } } } System.out.println(answer); } } }
Here is a solution that works in $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ time that uses the principle of inclusion and exclusion (courtesy of Andrew He). Essentially, you
The code below calculates (2) as $\texttt{prod_deg}\cdot \texttt{get_path_1}(e_{start}[0],e_{end}[0])$, (3) as $\texttt{prod_deg}\cdot \texttt{get_path_1}(e_{start}[1],e_{end}[1])$, and (4) - (5) as
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int MOD = 1e9+7; using ll = long long; struct mi { int v; explicit operator int() const { return v; } mi() { v = 0; } mi(ll _v):v(_v%MOD) { v += (v<0)*MOD; } }; mi& operator+=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v += b.v) >= MOD) a.v -= MOD; return a; } mi& operator-=(mi& a, mi b) { if ((a.v -= b.v) < 0) a.v += MOD; return a; } mi operator+(mi a, mi b) { return a += b; } mi operator-(mi a, mi b) { return a -= b; } mi operator*(mi a, mi b) { return mi((ll)a.v*b.v); } mi& operator*=(mi& a, mi b) { return a = a*b; } mi pow(mi a, ll p) { assert(p >= 0); // asserts are important! return p==0?1:pow(a*a,p/2)*(p&1?a:1); } mi inv(mi a) { assert(a.v != 0); return pow(a,MOD-2); } mi operator/(mi a, mi b) { return a*inv(b); } vector<mi> factorial; void solve() { bool send[101]{}, recei[101]{}; bool adj[101][101]{}; int in_deg[101]{}, out_deg[101]{}, deg[101]{}; int N,K; cin >> N >> K; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == 'S') send[i] = 1; if (c == 'R') recei[i] = 1; } vector<int> e_start, e_end; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) { char c; cin >> c; if (c == '1') { adj[i][j] = 1; ++out_deg[i], ++in_deg[j]; if (i > j) { e_start.push_back(i); e_end.push_back(j); } } } while (e_start.size() < 2) { e_start.push_back(0); e_end.push_back(0); } for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) { assert(in_deg[i]+send[i] == out_deg[i]+recei[i]); deg[i] = in_deg[i]+send[i]; } factorial.resize(N+1); factorial[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) factorial[i] = i*factorial[i-1]; mi prod_deg = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) prod_deg *= factorial[deg[i]]; auto get_path_1 = [&](int st, int en) -> mi { if (st == 0 || en == 0 || en > st) return 0; vector<mi> dp(N+1); dp[en] = 1; for (int i = en; i <= st; i++) { dp[i] = dp[i]/max(deg[i],1); for (int j = i+1; j <= st; j++) { if (adj[i][j]) { dp[j] += dp[i]; } } } return dp[st]; }; auto get_path_2 = [&](int st1, int en1, int st2, int en2) -> mi { return get_path_1(st1, en1) * get_path_1(st2, en2); }; mi ans =1; ans -= get_path_1(e_start[0],e_end[0]); ans -= get_path_1(e_start[1],e_end[1]); ans += get_path_2(e_start[0],e_end[0],e_start[1],e_end[1]); ans -= get_path_2(e_start[0],e_end[1],e_start[1],e_end[0]); ans *= prod_deg; cout << ans.v << "\n"; } int main() { int T; cin >> T; while (T--) solve(); }
What About Arbitrary $K$?
Regarding the $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ solution for $K=2$ above, note that the answer is actually the product of $\texttt{prod_deg}$ and a determinant:
In general, we need to compute $K^2$ values of $\texttt{get_path_1}$ and take the determinant of a $K\times K$ matrix, which can be done in $\mathcal{O}(N^2K+K^3)$ time.
Alternatively, suppose that we combine the start and end nodes into a single node $n_{special}$. Now every node in the graph has equal in-degree as out-degree, and the number of routing schemes is equal to the number of Eulerian circuits in this graph divided by $(\text{deg}(n_{special})-1)!$. The number of Eulerian circuits in this graph is given by the BEST theorem, which involves multiplying the determinant of an $N\times N$ matrix by some factorials. This can be done in $\mathcal{O}(\min(N^3,KN^2))$, where the $KN^2$ term comes from the observation that the matrix we are taking the determinant of has nonzero entries along its main diagonal and is almost upper triangular, with the exception of $K$ entries below the main diagonal.