We model Cowland as a directed acyclic graph with towns as nodes and roads as weighted directed edges.
Throughout the code and analysis, say
For all subtasks, it is required to process nodes in an order such that for all nodes, we visit its successors before visiting itself. We can process nodes in this so called topological order by processing batches of nodes in order of increasing $\text{len}$, where we add a node to the next batch once we visit all its successors (see code).
Subtask 1 (Labels are the same).
If all labels are $c$, we are asked to output $c\cdot \text{len}[i]$ for each $i$. We can compute $\text{len}[i]$ in topological order, taking the max length over successors of $i$:
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+1; vector<vector<int>> radj[N]; int deg[N], len[N]; int main(){ int n,m; cin >> n >> m; long long c=0; for(int i=0; i<m; i++){ int u,v,l; cin >> u >> v >> l; c=l; radj[v].push_back({u, l}); deg[u]++; } vector<int> nodes; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){ if(!deg[i]) nodes.push_back(i); } // bfs from sinks while(int(nodes.size())){ vector<int> nodes2; // update predecessors' deg and (possibly) len for(int b:nodes){ for(auto e:radj[b]){ int a=e[0], l=e[1]; deg[a]--; if(deg[a]==0){ len[a]=len[b]+1; nodes2.push_back(a); } } } // next round's nodes to process swap(nodes, nodes2); } for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) cout << len[i] << " " << c*len[i] << '\n'; }The time complexity is $O(N+M)$.
Subtask 2 (Labels are distinct).
Bessie's preferred path is the path $P$ with lexicographically minimal $\text{value}(P):= (-\text{len}(P), l^{P}_1, l^{P}_2, \ldots, l^{P}_{\text{len}(P)-1})$, where $l^P_j$ denotes the label of the $j$th edge on path $P$. If $l_j$ are pairwise distinct, $l^{P}_1 \ne l^{P'}_1$ for different paths $P$, $P'$, so it suffices to only consider $(-\text{len}(P), l^P_1)$.
Let's modify the previous solution. For each node $i$, find the successor $j$ with minimum $(-\text{len}[j], l[i\rightarrow j])$. This is stored in $\text{best}[i]$ in the code below. We keep track of the desired sums and update $\text{sum}[i] = \text{sum}[j]+l[i\rightarrow j]$ in topological order.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+1; vector<vector<int>> radj[N]; vector<vector<long long>> cand[N]; int deg[N]; pair<int, int> best[N]; long long sum[N]; int main(){ int n,m; cin >> n >> m; for(int i=0; i<m; i++){ int u,v,l; cin >> u >> v >> l; radj[v].push_back({u, l}); deg[u]++; } vector<int> nodes; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){ if(!deg[i]) nodes.push_back(i); } // bfs from sinks while(int(nodes.size())){ vector<int> nodes2; // update predecessors' deg and (possibly) best for(int b:nodes){ for(auto e:radj[b]){ int a=e[0], l=e[1]; deg[a]--; if(make_pair(best[b].first-1, l) < best[a]){ best[a] = {best[b].first-1, l}; sum[a] = sum[b]+l; } if(deg[a]==0){ nodes2.push_back(a); } } } // next round's nodes to process swap(nodes, nodes2); } for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) cout << -best[i].first << " " << sum[i] << '\n'; }The time complexity is $O(N+M)$.
Subtask 3 ($N,M \le 5000$).
Now we must consider the entire path: $\text{value}(P):= (-\text{len}(P), l^{P}_1, l^{P}_2, \ldots, l^{P}_{\text{len(P)}-1})$.
Let's store the preferred path from each node $i$ that we've visited. It suffices to store the next node on the path and the label of the edge to it. This is stored as $\text{nxt}[i]$ in the below code.
Starting at each node $i$, we can compare the values of the $\deg i$ candidate paths using each outward edge. Let $\text{better}(i, j)$ be a function that returns whether the preferred path from $i$ is better (has lexicographically smaller value) than the preferred path from $j$, as well as the sum of the better path. $\text{better}(i, j)$ can be computed by comparing
For each node $i$, we compare $O(\deg i)$ paths; each comparison takes $O(N)$, and so the total time complexity is $O(\sum_i \deg i \cdot N) = O(MN)$.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+1; vector<vector<int>> radj[N]; int deg[N], len[N]; pair<int, int> nxt[N]; long long sum[N]; #define mp make_pair int main(){ int n,m; cin >> n >> m; for(int i=0; i<m; i++){ int u,v,l; cin >> u >> v >> l; radj[v].push_back({u, l}); deg[u]++; } vector<int> nodes; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){ if(!deg[i]) nodes.push_back(i); } // process nodes in order of increasing longest path while(int(nodes.size())){ vector<int> nodes2; // determine which min.lex. path is better auto better=[&](auto&& better, int a, int b)->int{ if(!len[a] and !len[b]) return 1; if(mp(len[a], nxt[a].second) != mp(len[b], nxt[b].second)){ return 1+(mp(len[b], -nxt[b].second) > mp(len[a], -nxt[a].second)); } return better(better, nxt[a].first, nxt[b].first); }; // update best path nxt[a] auto ckmin=[&](int a, pair<int, int> cand){ int b = cand.first; if(!nxt[a].first){ nxt[a]=cand; len[a]=len[cand.first]+1; return; } len[0] = len[b] + 1; nxt[0] = cand; if(better(better, a, 0)==2){ len[a] = len[b] + 1; nxt[a] = cand; } }; // update predecessors' deg and (possibly) nxt for(int b:nodes){ sum[b] = sum[nxt[b].first] + nxt[b].second; for(auto e:radj[b]){ int a=e[0], l=e[1]; deg[a]--; ckmin(a, {b, l}); if(deg[a]==0){ nodes2.push_back(a); } } } // next round's nodes to process swap(nodes, nodes2); } for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) cout << len[i] << " " << sum[i] << '\n'; }
Subtask 4 ($N \le 2\cdot 10^5, M \le 4\cdot 10^5$).
If the preferred path from $i$ goes to $j$ in the first step, the rest of the path must be the preferred path starting at $j$. Thus, subtask 3 could recompare the same pair of nodes multiple times. We can memoize $\texttt{better}(i, j)$ using a map but this still could take $\Omega(M\sqrt{M})$ time and memory (try to think of a test case!). Instead, we maintain a rank function.
For each batch of nodes (batched by len), let's compute $\text{rnk}[i]$ which satisfies $\text{rnk}[i] < \text{rnk}[j]$ for all pairs of nodes $i,j$ such that the preferred path is lexicographically smaller than the preferred path from $j$. Then, to compute the ranks of the predecessors of nodes in this batch, it suffices to sort 3-tuples, as in Subtask 2. Specifically, $\text{nxt}(i) = \text{argmin}_{j} (-\text{len}[j], l[i\rightarrow j], \text{rnk}[j])$ and $\text{rnk}[i]$ is the index of $(l[i\rightarrow \text{nxt}(i)], \text{rnk}[\text{nxt}(i)])$ in a sorted list of $(l[k \rightarrow \text{nxt}[k]], \text{rnk}[\text{nxt}(k)])$, over all nodes $k$ in $i$'s batch.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=2e5+1; vector<vector<int>> radj[N]; vector<vector<long long>> cand[N]; int deg[N], rnk[N], len[N]; long long sum[N]; int main(){ int n, m; cin >> n >> m; for(int i=0; i<m; i++){ int u,v,l; cin >> u >> v >> l; radj[v].push_back({u, l}); deg[u]++; } vector<int> nodes; for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){ if(!deg[i]) nodes.push_back(i); } // bfs from sinks while(int(nodes.size())){ vector<int> nodes2; // update predecessors' deg, len, and cand for(int u:nodes){ for(auto e:radj[u]){ int v=e[0], l=e[1]; cand[v].push_back({-len[u], l, rnk[u], sum[u]+l}); deg[v]--; if(deg[v]==0){ len[v]=len[u]+1; nodes2.push_back(v); } } } // next round's nodes to process swap(nodes, nodes2); // find the lex. min. path vector<vector<long long>> v; for(int i=0; i<nodes.size(); i++){ int x=nodes[i]; sort(cand[x].begin(), cand[x].end()); vector<long long> use=cand[x][0]; sum[x]=use[3]; v.push_back({use[1], use[2], x}); } // rank this level's nodes sort(v.begin(), v.end()); for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){ rnk[v[i][2]]=i; } } for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) cout << len[i] << " " << sum[i] << '\n'; }The time complexity is $O(M\log N)$.