One way to approach this is to try to quickly compute for each vertical line the number of horizontal lines it passes through that were not within T units of being mowed. That is, we'd like to compute the number of horizontal lines that cross line $i$ as
If we break up the absolute value component into its two respective cases this is a classic range query problem. Since there are three dimensions of interest we can answer queries using a range tree in $O(log^3 n)$ time. However, since we are allowed to answer queries offline we can remove a log factor by scanning the field from left to right.
We insert a horizontal line when our scan hits the leftmost vertex and delete it when it reaches the rightmost vertex. We perform queries when we reach the x coordinate of a vertical line. Now it's enough to just have a data structure that can do two dimensional range queries and updates.
In my solution I use a binary indexed tree as the first level tree and an allocated-on-demand range tree as the second dimension.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAXN (1 << 17) #define MAXV (1 << 30) struct node { int val; struct node* C[2]; node() { val = 0; C[0] = C[1] = NULL; } node* getc(int c) { if (!C[c]) { C[c] = new node; } return C[c]; } void add(int x, int v, int lo, int hi) { val += v; if (hi - lo == 1) { return; } int md = (lo + hi) / 2; if (x < md) { getc(0)->add(x, v, lo, md); } else { getc(1)->add(x, v, md, hi); } } int query(int a, int b, int lo, int hi) { if (a <= lo && hi <= b) { return val; } else if (hi <= a || b <= lo) { return 0; } int md = (lo + hi) / 2; return (C[0] ? C[0]->query(a, b, lo, md) : 0) + (C[1] ? C[1]->query(a, b, md, hi) : 0); } }; node BT[MAXN]; /* Logically executes array[y].add(x, v) += v. */ void bit_add(int x, int y, int v) { for(unsigned j = y | MAXN; j < (MAXN << 1); j += j & -j) { BT[j ^ MAXN].add(x, v, 0, MAXV); } } /* Returns the sum of array[i].query(x0, x1) for 0 <= i < y */ int bit_get(int x0, int x1, int y) { int ret = 0; for(int j = y - 1; y != 0; j &= j - 1) { ret += BT[j].query(x0, x1, 0, MAXV); if (!j) break; } return ret; } int main() { freopen("", "r", stdin); freopen("mowing.out", "w", stdout); ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); int N; cin >> N; int T; cin >> T; vector<pair<int, int> > A(N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { cin >> A[i].first >> A[i].second; } vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int> > > ev; /* The horizontal "event" set. */ vector<pair<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int> > > vseg; /* The vertical query lines. */ for (int i = 0; i + 1 < N; i++) { pair<int, int> p0 = A[i]; pair<int, int> p1 = A[i + 1]; if (p1 < p0) swap(p0, p1); if (p0.second == p1.second) { /* Create insertion and deletion events. */ ev.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(p0.first + 1, p0.second), make_pair(1, i))); ev.push_back(make_pair(p1, make_pair(-1, i))); } else { /* Create a vertical line query. */ vseg.push_back(make_pair(p0, make_pair(p1.second, i))); } } /* Sort events and queries by x value. */ sort(ev.begin(), ev.end()); sort(vseg.begin(), vseg.end()); int evi = 0; int vsegi = 0; int result = 0; while (vsegi < vseg.size()) { int x = vseg[vsegi].first.first; /* The x-coordinate of our scan. */ /* Process all horizontal line insertions/deletions. */ for (; evi < ev.size() && ev[evi].first.first <= x; evi++) { bit_add(ev[evi].first.second, ev[evi].second.second, ev[evi].second.first); } /* Perform all vertical line queries. */ for (; vsegi < vseg.size() && vseg[vsegi].first.first == x; vsegi++) { int lo = vseg[vsegi].first.second; int hi = vseg[vsegi].second.first; int tm1 = vseg[vsegi].second.second - T + 1; int tm2 = vseg[vsegi].second.second + T; /* Count horizontal lines T or more after this. */ if (tm2 < MAXN) { result += bit_get(lo + 1, hi, MAXN); result -= bit_get(lo + 1, hi, tm2); } /* Count horizontal lines T or more before this. */ if (tm1 > 0) { result += bit_get(lo + 1, hi, tm1); } } } cout << result << endl; return 0; }