(Analysis by Rain Jiang, Richard Qi, Benjamin Qi)

Let $A$ be an upper bound on $a_1$, and $T=N+Q+A$. The intended time complexity is $O(T\log T)$. Several ways of achieving this complexity are described below.

Subtask 1: $Q\le 100$

Let $x$ be the number of Bessie's haybales minus the number of Elsie's haybales at any given moment. Then when giving the $i$-th haybale, $x$ increases by $a_i$ if $x \le 0$, and decreases by $a_i$ if $x > 0$. Simulating this in $O(N)$ per query gives an $O(NQ)$ solution.

Subtask 2: $(\#\text{ distinct }a_i)\le 100$

We can process each query in $O(\#\text{ distinct }a_i)$ time rather than $O(N)$ time. More specifically, for a range of equal $a_i$ we can process its effect on $x$ in $O(1)$ time; first, $x$ will consistently decrease in absolute value until its absolute value goes below $a_i$, and then it will alternate in sign.

Full Solution 1: Binary lifting

Let's look more closely at how $x$ changes during a query.

Let's consider what happens when $x > 0$. For the first few haybales, $x$ could be very big and you would decrease it repeatedly until $x \le 0$. Let $i$ be the index of the haybale that makes $x \le 0$.

After giving out each of the $(i+1)$-th and later haybales, it makes sense for $x$ to alternate between positive and non-positive values for a while. Let $j$ be the index of the haybale after which $x$ breaks this pattern.

Suppose that $j-i$ is even. Then notice the following chain of events:

Finally, after the $j$-th haybale, $x$ is in the range $(0, a_{j-1}-a_j]$. Similar reasoning also holds when $j-i$ is odd; we can see that in this case $x$ is in the range $(-(a_{j-1}-a_j), 0]$.

Symmetrically, the above also works if $x \le 0$ initially.

To conclude, after giving haybales in the above manner, we either give out all the haybales from $l$ to $r$, or we stop just before giving the $k$-th haybale ($k \ge l+2$), with the new $x$ satisfying $|x| \le a_{k-2}-a_{k-1}$.

From now on, we refer to the above as jumping from $(l, x)$. We can find $i$ using a binary search. Using the fact that $a$ is non-increasing, we can also find $j$ using two binary searches for odd $j-i$ and even $j-i$. In this way, calculating a jump takes $O(\log N)$ time.

Now let's solve the problem. We first calculate, for all $i$ from $3$ to $N$ and $|x| \le a_{i-2}-a_{i-1}$, where you will jump to if you start at $(i, x)$. We can build a binary lifting table on top of these jumps.

Then, to answer queries, we do the following.

Why is the above fast? Let's first calculate how many states we need to calculate jumps from. This is equal to

$$ \begin{align*} \sum_{i=3}^{N} \left(2 \cdot (a_{i-2}-a_{i-1}) + 1\right) &= \left(2 \sum_{i=3}^{N} \left(a_{i-2}-a_{i-1}\right)\right) + O(N)\\ &= 2 \cdot (a_1 - a_{N-1}) + O(N)\\ &= O(N + A). \end{align*} $$

So, computing the jumps takes $O((N + A) \log N)$ time, and building the binary lifting table takes $O((N + A) \log N)$ time (or $O(N+A)$ time using this blog). Answering each query consists of doing a binary search, using the binary lifting table, and doing another binary search, for a total of $O(\log N)$ time per query. Therefore, the running time of the whole solution is $O((N + A + Q) \log N)$, which gets full credit.

Rain's code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define N	200000

int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }

int aa[N], n; long long ss[N + 1], ss_[N + 1];

void jump(int l, int r, int x, int *l_, int *x_) {
	int lower, upper, i, k, flip;

	if (l < r && x != 0) {
		flip = 0;
		if (x < 0)
			x = -x, flip = 1;
		lower = l, upper = r;
		while (upper - lower > 1) {
			i = (lower + upper) / 2;
			if (x > ss[i] - ss[l])
				lower = i;
				upper = i;
		i = upper;
		x -= ss[i] - ss[l], l = i;
		if (flip)
			x = -x;
	if (l < r) {
		flip = 0;
		if (x <= 0)
			x = -x, flip = 1;
		lower = 0, upper = (r - l) / 2 + 1;
		while (upper - lower > 1) {
			k = (lower + upper) / 2;
			if (x - (ss_[l + k * 2] - ss_[l]) * (l % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) > 0)
				lower = k;
				upper = k;
		r = min(r, l + upper * 2);
		lower = -1, upper = (r - l - 1) / 2 + 1;
		while (upper - lower > 1) {
			k = (lower + upper) / 2;
			if (x - (ss_[l + k * 2 + 1] - ss_[l]) * (l % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) < 0)
				lower = k;
				upper = k;
		r = min(r, l + upper * 2 + 1);
		x -= (ss_[r] - ss_[l]) * (l % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1), l = r;
		if (flip)
			x = -x;
	*l_ = l, *x_ = x;

int main() {
	static int *jj[N], *yy[N], *jj_[N], *yy_[N], xx[N];
	static char *rank[N];
	int q, i, j, j_, k, l, r, x, y, y_, z;
	char rk;

	scanf("%d", &n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		scanf("%d", &aa[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		ss[i + 1] = ss[i] + aa[i];
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		ss_[i + 1] = ss_[i] + (i % 2 == 0 ? aa[i] : -aa[i]);
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		xx[i] = i < 2 ? 0 : aa[i - 2] - aa[i - 1];
		jj[i] = (int *) malloc((xx[i] * 2 + 1) * sizeof *jj[i]);
		yy[i] = (int *) malloc((xx[i] * 2 + 1) * sizeof *yy[i]);
		jj_[i] = (int *) malloc((xx[i] * 2 + 1) * sizeof *jj_[i]);
		yy_[i] = (int *) malloc((xx[i] * 2 + 1) * sizeof *yy_[i]);
		rank[i] = (char *) malloc((xx[i] * 2 + 1) * sizeof *rank[i]);
	for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		for (x = -xx[i]; x <= xx[i]; x++) {
			jump(i, n, x, &j, &y);
			jj[i][xx[i] + x] = j, yy[i][xx[i] + x] = y;
			if (j == n)
				j_ = j, y_ = y, rk = 0;
			else {
				k = jj_[j][xx[j] + y], z = yy_[j][xx[j] + y];
				if (k == n || rank[k][xx[k] + z] != rank[j][xx[j] + y])
					j_ = j, y_ = y, rk = 1;
					j_ = jj_[k][xx[k] + z], y_ = yy_[k][xx[k] + z], rk = rank[j][xx[j] + y] + 1;
			jj_[i][xx[i] + x] = j_, yy_[i][xx[i] + x] = y_, rank[i][xx[i] + x] = rk;
	scanf("%d", &q);
	while (q--) {
		scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &x), l--;
		jump(l, r, x, &l, &x);
		if (l < r)
			while (1)
				if (jj_[l][xx[l] + x] < r) {
					j = jj_[l][xx[l] + x], y = yy_[l][xx[l] + x];
					l = j, x = y;
				} else if (jj[l][xx[l] + x] < r) {
					j = jj[l][xx[l] + x], y = yy[l][xx[l] + x];
					l = j, x = y;
				} else {
					jump(l, r, x, &l, &x);
		printf("%d\n", x);
	return 0;

Full Solution 2: Sets and DSU

Answer the queries offline. We will sweep from left to right across $a$ and maintain the current values of $x$ for all queries. For convenience, we can transform all values using $x \leftarrow 2x-1$ and $a_i \leftarrow 2a_i$, so that all values are odd (and thus are never equal to $0$), and the new update rule is if $x > 0$, then subtract $a_i$, and otherwise if $x < 0$, and you add $a_i$.

After processing a certain $a_i$, the values of $x$ for all queries fall into $4$ categories:

  1. $x > a_i$, which we call "positive bigs".
  2. $a_i > x > 0$, which we call "positive smalls".
  3. $0 > x > -a_i$, which we call "negative smalls".
  4. $-a_i > x$, which we call "negative bigs".

Now, let each of these $4$ categories be its own "Lazy Set", which supports insertions, deletions, and updates of the form "add $v$ to all elements". Our implementation simply stores a set of value, query index pairs, and a single lazy value, which can be incremented by $v$.

Suppose we have stored all values in the $4$ Lazy Sets for some $a_{i}$, and want to transition to the next $a_{i+1}$. First, we insert all queries with $L = i+1$ into their corresponding set.

Then, because $a_i \ge a_{i+1}$, some elements $x$ satisfying $a_{i} > x > a_{i+1}$ which were previously considered "positive smalls" are now considered "positive bigs", so we remove elements from the end of the positive smalls set to insert into the positive bigs set. Similarly, we move elements from negative smalls to negative bigs.

Next, we process the operation itself. All negative small values $x$ satisfy $0 > x > -a_{i+1}$, and after the operation satisfy $a_{i+1} > x > 0$, so they all become positive smalls. Similarly, all positive smalls become negative smalls. We can implement this by adding to the lazy values and swapping the two LazySets.

Also, all negative bigs remain negative and all positive bigs remain positive, so we simply add to the lazy values of these sets.

Finally, it is possible that some negative bigs become negative smalls, if before adding $a_{i+1}$ they satisfy $x < -a_{i+1}$ and after adding $a_{i+1}$ they satisfy $-a_{i+1} < x < 0$. So, we remove some elements from the end of the negative bigs and insert them into the negative smalls set.

During this process, we can keep track for each query index, what value it is attached to in the current set it is in (before the lazy value of the set is applied). Additionally, we can keep track of which set it is currently in.

To answer queries, we add the value it is attached to, plus the lazy value of the LazySet it is currently in.

Now, let us analyze the time complexity of this algorithm. Let $M$ be the number of times an element moves from a "smalls" set to a "bigs" set; the time complexity is bounded by $(N+Q+M) \cdot \log{Q}$. So, it suffices to show that $M = O(A)$.

Now, notice that an element that is initially positive small becomes positive big only if it satisfies $a_i > x > a_{i+1}$, and there are at most $a_i-a_{i+1}$ such values. If every query index has a unique value, then the number of elements that go from small to big on the $i$th iteration is at most $O(a_i-a_{i+1})$, so $M$ is bounded by $O(\sum_{i=1}^{N-1} a_i-a_{i+1}) = O(A)$.

However, it is possible that not every query index has a unique value. We fix this in the following manner: if a query index is inserted into a LazySet and has the same value as a query index already inside the LazySet, we merge these two query indices, as their corresponding values will be the same from this point forward. To do this, we store a Disjoint Set Union data structure on the queries, along with the corresponding value of the representative (the value before adding the lazy value of the LazySet it is contained within). Then, to answer queries, we find the corresponding representative and proceed as before.

Richard Qi's code:

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std;
#define sz(x) int((x).size())
#define f first
#define s second
 * Description: Disjoint Set Union with path compression
 	* and union by size. Add edges and test connectivity. 
 	* Use for Kruskal's or Boruvka's minimum spanning tree.
 * Time: O(\alpha(N))
 * Source: CSAcademy, KACTL
struct DSU {
	vector<int> e; 
	vector<long long> stor_val;
	void init(int N) { 
		e = vector<int>(N,-1); 
		stor_val = vector<long long>(N, -1);
	int get(int x) { return e[x] < 0 ? x : e[x] = get(e[x]); } 
	bool sameSet(int a, int b) { return get(a) == get(b); }
	int size(int x) { return -e[get(x)]; }
	bool unite(int x, int y) { // union by size
		x = get(x), y = get(y); if (x == y) return 0;
		if (e[x] > e[y]) swap(x,y);
		e[x] += e[y]; e[y] = x; return 1;

const int mx = 200005;
int a[mx];
int l[mx];
int r[mx];
long long x[mx];
vector<int> L_queries[mx]; //queries with this left endpoint
vector<int> R_queries[mx];
long long ans[mx];
DSU dsu;
struct LazySet{
	map<long long, int> val_reps;
	long long lazy_val = 0;
LazySet* inside_set[mx];
void ADD(LazySet* s, long long val, int rep){
	assert(rep == dsu.get(rep));
		s->val_reps[val] = rep;
		dsu.stor_val[rep] = val;
		inside_set[rep] = s;
	int current_rep = s->val_reps[val];
	assert(current_rep != rep && current_rep != 0);
	dsu.unite(current_rep, rep);
	int new_rep = dsu.get(rep);
	s->val_reps[val] = new_rep;
	dsu.stor_val[new_rep] = val;
	inside_set[new_rep] = s;
void removeBeg(LazySet* s){
void removeEnd(LazySet* s){
pair<long long, int> getBeg(LazySet* s){
	pair<long long, int> res = *(s->val_reps.begin());
	res.f += s->lazy_val;
	return res;
pair<long long, int> getEnd(LazySet* s){
	pair<long long, int> res = *prev(s->val_reps.end());
	res.f += s->lazy_val;
	return res;
int main() {
	for(int i = 0; i < mx; i++) inside_set[i] = new LazySet();
	int N; cin >> N;
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
		cin >> a[i]; a[i]*=2;
	int Q; cin >> Q;
	for(int i = 1; i <= Q; i++){
		cin >> l[i] >> r[i] >> x[i];
		x[i] = 2*x[i] - 1;
	for(int i = 1; i <= Q; i++){
	LazySet* neg_smalls = new LazySet(); 
	LazySet* pos_smalls = new LazySet();
	for(int i = 1; i <= Q; i++){
		dsu.stor_val[i] = x[i];
	LazySet* neg_bigs = new LazySet();
	LazySet* pos_bigs = new LazySet();
	for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){
		//insert L queries into smalls set
		for(auto q: L_queries[i]){
			if(x[q] > 0){
				ADD(pos_smalls, x[q], dsu.get(q));
				ADD(neg_smalls, x[q], dsu.get(q));
		//move stuff from smalls => bigs
			//possibly move the smallest small to big
			pair<long long, int> smallest = getBeg(neg_smalls);
			if(smallest.f < -a[i]){
				ADD(neg_bigs, smallest.f, smallest.s);
			else break;
			pair<long long, int> largest = getEnd(pos_smalls);
			if(largest.f > a[i]){
				ADD(pos_bigs, largest.f, largest.s);
			else break;
		//edit smalls
		neg_smalls->lazy_val += a[i];
		pos_smalls->lazy_val -= a[i];
		swap(neg_smalls, pos_smalls);
		//edit bigs
		neg_bigs->lazy_val += a[i];
		pos_bigs->lazy_val -= a[i];
		//move bigs => smalls
			pair<long long, int> largest = getEnd(neg_bigs);
			assert(largest.f < 0);
			if(largest.f > -a[i]){
				ADD(neg_smalls, largest.f, largest.s);
			else break;
			pair<long long, int> smallest = getBeg(pos_bigs);
			assert(smallest.f > 0);
			if(smallest.f < a[i]){
				ADD(pos_smalls, smallest.f, smallest.s);
			else break;
		//answer R queries
		for(auto q: R_queries[i]){
			LazySet* inside = inside_set[dsu.get(q)];
			assert(inside != NULL);
			long long res = inside->lazy_val + dsu.stor_val[dsu.get(q)];
			ans[q] = res;
	for(int i = 1; i <= Q; i++){
		assert((ans[i]&1) == 1);
		cout << (ans[i]+1)/2 << "\n";

Full Solution 3: Treap

Answer the queries offline. As in solution 2 we will sweep from left to right across $a$ and maintain the current values of $x$ for all queries including the current $a_i$, in sorted order, in a balanced binary search tree (BBST) such as a treap. If its size is $N$, the BBST should support the following operations:

  1. Split the BBST into two parts, one consisting of all values $\le v$ and the other consisting of all values $>v$. This should take $O(\log N)$ time.
  2. Add a constant to all values using lazy propagation. This should take $O(1)$ time.
  3. Merging two BBSTs consisting of $k$ interleaving segments in $O(k\log N)$ time, where interleaving segments are defined as in this blog.
  4. For each original value inserted into the BBST, return a pointer so that we can query the current value associated with this original value in $O(\log N)$ time.

When processing $a_i$, we

  1. Insert into the BBST the $x$ associated with all queries with $l=i$.
  2. Split the BBST at $0$.
  3. Add the appropriate constants to each of the two resulting BBSTs.
  4. Merge them.
  5. Answer all queries with $r=i$.

Using the argument from the blog, the sum of $k$ across all merge operations will be $O((N+Q)\log M)$, where $M$ is an upper bound on $a_1$ and all $x_i$. However, if we use similar reasoning as solution 2 we can bound the sum of all $k$ by $O(N+Q+\sum |a_i-a_{i+1}|)=O(A)$. So the overall runtime is $O(A\log Q)$, same as the above.

Benjamin Qi's code:

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template <class T> using V = vector<T>;

using pt = struct tnode *;

struct tnode {
    int pri;
    int lazy, val;
    pt c[2], p;  // children, parent

// prop x to children
void prop(pt x) {
    if (!x || !x->lazy) return;
    x->val += x->lazy;
    for (int i : {0, 1})
        if (x->c[i]) x->c[i]->lazy += x->lazy;
    x->lazy = 0;

// prop all ancestors of x
void propall(pt x) {
    if (x->p) propall(x->p);

void link(pt x, int d, pt c) {
    x->c[d] = c;
    if (c) c->p = x;

pair<pt, pt> split(pt x, int val) {
    // >= val goes to right
    if (!x) return {};
    if (val <= x->val) {
        auto [l, r] = split(x->c[0], val);
        link(x, 0, r);
        return {l, x};
    } else {
        auto [l, r] = split(x->c[1], val);
        link(x, 1, l);
        return {x, r};

// split and fix parent pointers
pair<pt, pt> split_root(pt x, int val) {
    auto [l, r] = split(x, val);
    if (l) l->p = nullptr;
    if (r) r->p = nullptr;
    return {l, r};

pt merge(pt l, pt r) {
    if (!l) return r;
    if (!r) return l;
    if (l->pri > r->pri) {
        link(l, 1, merge(l->c[1], r));
        return l;
    } else {
        link(r, 0, merge(l, r->c[0]));
        return r;

pt ins(pt root, pt x) {
    auto [l, r] = split_root(root, x->val);
    return merge(merge(l, x), r);

int getmin(pt p) {
    while (true) {
        if (!p->c[0]) return p->val;
        p = p->c[0];

// O(k log N) merge
pt merge_overlapping(pt l, pt r) {
    if (!l) return r;
    if (!r) return l;
    pt res = nullptr;
    if (getmin(l) > getmin(r)) swap(l, r);
    while (r) {
        auto [l1, l2] = split_root(l, getmin(r) + 1);
        res = merge(res, l1);
        tie(l, r) = make_pair(r, l2);
    res = merge(res, l);
    return res;

int main() {
    int N;
    cin >> N;
    V<int> A(N);
    for (int &a : A) cin >> a;
    int Q;
    cin >> Q;
    V<pt> queries(Q);
    V<V<pair<int, int>>> ins_at(N);
    V<V<int>> query_at(N);
    for (int q = 0; q < Q; ++q) {
        int l, r, x;
        cin >> l >> r >> x;
        ins_at.at(l - 1).push_back({q, x});
        query_at.at(r - 1).push_back(q);
    pt root = nullptr;
    V<int> ans(Q);
    mt19937 rng(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        for (auto [q, x] : ins_at.at(i)) {
            queries.at(q) = new tnode();
            queries.at(q)->pri = rng();
            queries.at(q)->val = x;
            root = ins(root, queries.at(q));
        auto [l, r] = split_root(root, 1);
        if (r) r->lazy -= A[i];
        if (l) l->lazy += A[i];
        root = merge_overlapping(l, r);
        for (int q : query_at.at(i)) {
            ans.at(q) = queries.at(q)->val;
    for (int t : ans) cout << t << "\n";