(Analysis by Benjamin Qi, Reviewed by Richard Qi)

Note: The model solutions for all subtasks are very short, though understanding why they work is not easy.

Suppose we are trying to compute the answer for $A=a$ and $B=b$.

Subtask 2: $O((a+b)^2)$

Let $s=\texttt{gen_string}(a,b)$. For each prefix of $s$, count the number of 0s and 1s (let these be $c$ and $d$, respectively), and then check whether $\texttt{gen_string}(c, d)$ is a prefix of $s$.

Subtask 3: $O(a+b)$

The first step is to treat each bit string as a path on the upper-right quadrant of a 2D grid (all lattice points $(x,y)$ satisfying $x\ge 0$ and $y\ge 0$). Henceforth, we use "point" as shorthand for "lattice point." Starting at the point $(0,0)$, we repeatedly move right if we are on or above the line $y=b/a\cdot x$, and up otherwise, until we reach the point $(a,b)$. This is equivalent to the function provided in the problem statement because the condition $ia * b \le ib * a$ compares the slope of the line from the origin to $(ia, ib)$ with the slope of the line from the origin to $(a, b)$.

Definition: Say that a point $(x,y)$ with $0<x\le a$ and $0<y\le b$ is good if $\texttt{gen_string}(x,y)$ is a prefix of $\texttt{gen_string}(a,b)$.

Our goal is to count the number of good points.

Condition: A point $(x,y)$ is good if and only if every point $(x_p,y_p)$ in the upper-right quadrant satisfying $0\le x_p<x$ or $0\le y_p<y$ is on the same side of the lines through the origin with slopes $y/x$ and $b/a$. Specifically, $(x_p,y_p)$ is either above or on both lines, or below both lines.

Proof: Consider pairing the steps of $\texttt{gen_string}(x,y)$ and the first $x+y$ steps of $\texttt{gen_string}(a,b)$. The given condition is sufficient to ensure that every pair of steps moves in the same direction. For the other direction, observe if both steps in a pair move from $(c,d)$ to $(c,d+1)$, then every point $(x_p,y_p)$ with $y_p=d$ and $x_p\ge c$ is below the line, while if both steps in a pair move from $(c,d)$ to $(c+1,d)$, then every point $(x_p,y_p)$ with $x_p=c$ and $y_p\ge d$ is above on or on the line. Necessity follows from taking the union of these statements for all $(c,d)$ along the path from $(0,0)$ to $(x,y)$. $\blacksquare$

This condition isn't immediately useful because it tells us to check an infinite number of points to see whether $(x,y)$ is good. The following corollary tells us that actually, we only need to check a finite number of points.

Corollary: A point $(x,y)$ is good if and only if every point $(x_p,y_p)\neq (x,y)$ in the upper-right quadrant satisfying $0\le x_p\le x$ and $0\le y_p\le y$ is on the same side of the lines through the origin with slopes $y/x$ and $b/a$. We call this set of points the bounding rectangle associated with $(x,y)$.

We use this corollary to separately count good points below the ray from the origin through $(a,b)$ and good points on or above this ray.

  1. A point $(x,y)$ below the ray through $(a,b)$ is good if and only if $(x-1,y)$ is not strictly below the ray through $(a,b)$, and there exist no points with smaller y-coordinate that lie on or above the ray through $(x,y)$ and below the ray through $(a,b)$.
  2. A point $(x,y)$ on or above the ray through $(a,b)$ is good if and only if $(x,y-1)$ is not on or above the ray through $(a,b)$, and there exist no points with smaller x-coordinate that lie on or above the ray through $(a,b)$ and below the ray through $(x,y)$.

To count good points of the first form, note that for every y-coordinate, there is at most one point with that y-coordinate that can potentially be good. Iterate over all y-coordinates from $1$ to $b-1$ in increasing order and find the leftmost point with that y-coordinate that is below the ray through $(a,b)$. If the last good point we found is on or above the ray through the current point, then the current point cannot be good. Otherwise, the current point produces the greatest slope through the origin out of all points below the ray with y-coordinate less than or equal to the current y-coordinate, so it is good. Counting good points of the second form can be done similarly.

Implementation Note: We can check whether a point lies above a ray without division using the cross product operation.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
int64_t cross(pair<int64_t, int64_t> p1, pair<int64_t, int64_t> p2) {
	int64_t x1 = p1.first, y1 = p1.second;
	int64_t x2 = p2.first, y2 = p2.second;
	return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;
int64_t solve(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
	int64_t ans = 0;
	pair<int64_t, int64_t> best = {1, 0};
	for (int64_t y = 1; y < b; ++y) {  // below
		int64_t x = y * a / b + 1;
		if (cross(best, {x, y}) > 0) {
			best = {x, y};
			ans += 1;
	best = {0, 1};
	for (int64_t x = 1; x <= a; ++x) {  // above or on
		int64_t y = (x * b + a - 1) / a;
		if (cross({x, y}, best) >= 0) {
			best = {x, y};
			ans += 1;
	return ans;
int main() {
	int64_t T;
	cin >> T;
	for (int64_t i = 0; i < T; ++i) {
		int64_t a, b;
		cin >> a >> b;
		cout << solve(a, b) << endl;
	return 0;

Equivalent Python code (though this isn't fast enough to pass the subtask):

def cross(p1, p2):
    x1, y1 = p1
    x2, y2 = p2
    return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1

def solve(a, b):
    ans = 0
    best = (1, 0)
    for y in range(1, b):  # below
        x = y * a // b + 1
        if cross(best, (x, y)) > 0:
            best = (x, y)
            ans += 1
    best = (0, 1)
    for x in range(1, a + 1):  # above or on
        y = (x * b + a - 1) // a
        if cross((x, y), best) >= 0:
            best = (x, y)
            ans += 1
    return ans

T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    print(solve(a, b))

Subtask 4: $O(answer)$

Suppose that we want to generate the good pairs in increasing order of size. If we look at the good pairs from the sample explanation, we can see that every one of them is the sum of two previous good pairs (if we treat $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$ as good). For example, $(1, 2)+(1, 3)=(2, 5)$ and $(1, 2)+(2, 5)=(3,7)$. Why is this happening?

To show this, let's make some additional observations. Let $f_1=(a_1,b_1)$ and $f_2=(a_2,b_2)$ be any two points in the upper-right quadrant satisfying $cross(f_1,f_2)=a_1b_2-a_2b_1=1$. Note that this implies $b_1/a_1<b_2/a_2$, as we can divide both sides by $a_1a_2$ (here we assume $1/0=\infty$). Furthermore, by Pick's theorem, no point lies strictly within the triangle with $(0,0)$, $f_1$, and $f_2$ as vertices (this triangle has $A=cross(f_1,f_2)/2=1/2, i=0, b=3$).

Fact: A point $f'=(a',b')$ lies on or between the rays from the origin through $f_1$ and $f_2$ ($b_1/a_1\le b'/a'\le b_2/a_2$) if and only if $f'$ can be written as a non-negative integer multiple of $f_1$ plus a non-negative integer multiple of $f_2$.

Proof: The "if" direction is obvious. For the "only if" direction, we may write $f'=cross(f_1, f')\cdot f_2 + cross(f', f_2)\cdot f_1$. Equality holds because

$$\begin{align*} &cross(f_1,cross(f_1, f')\cdot f_2 + cross(f', f_2)\cdot f_1)\\ &=cross(f_1, cross(f_1, f')\cdot f_2)+cross(f_1, cross(f', f_2)\cdot f_1)\\ &=cross(f_1, f')\cdot cross(f_1,f_2)+cross(f',f_2)\cdot cross(f_1,f_1)\\ &=cross(f_1,f'), \end{align*}$$
where we have used that the cross product is bilinear (linear in each of its arguments), and similarly, $cross(f',f_2)=cross(cross(f_1, f')\cdot f_2 + cross(f', f_2)\cdot f_1, f_2).$ Both $cross(f_1, f')$ and $cross(f',f_2)$ are non-negative integers because $f'$ lies on or between the rays. Alternatively, we can loop the following steps until termination occurs with $f_2=(a'/\gcd(a',b'), b'/\gcd(a',b'))$.
  1. If $f'$ is a multiple of either $f_1$ or $f_2$, we're done.
  2. Otherwise, let $f_3=f_1+f_2$. Note that $cross(f_1,f_3)=cross(f_3,f_2)=1$ by bilinearity.

One easy consequence of the Fact is that for $(a_1,b_1)$ and $(a_2,b_2)$ satisfying the preconditions of the Fact, the "smallest" point (by either x- or y-coordinate) strictly in between the rays through these points is $(a_1+a_2,b_1+b_2)$. For example, $cross((1,2),(1,3))=1$, the smallest point between $(1,2)$ and $(1,3)$ is $(1+1, 2+3)=(2,5)$, $cross((1,2),(2,5))=1$, and the smallest point between $(1,2)$ and $(2,5)$ is $(1+2,2+5)=(3,7)$. This partially explains our observation from the start of this subtask.

The solution to this subtask is essentially the loop from the Fact starting at $f_1=(1,0)$, $f_2=(0,1)$, and $f'=(a,b)$, modified to maintain a counter $ans$. Initially, $ans=0$. At every step of the loop, we will ensure that

  1. All good points below or on the ray through $f_1$, or strictly above the ray through $f_2$, have been added to $ans$.
  2. All good points strictly in between the rays through $f_1$ and $f_2$ have not been added to $ans$ yet.
  3. The multiples of $f_2$ that we know satisfy the Corollary have been added to $ans$. There may be additional multiples of $f_2$ that we will add to $ans$ later, but we haven't yet verified that the Corollary holds.

More details: If $cross(f_3, f')>0$, then

  1. $f_3$ lies below the ray through $f'$.
  2. $f_3$ is good; no point strictly between the rays through $f_3$ and $f_2$ lie in the bounding rectangle of $f_3$ by the Fact, so the Corollary holds.
  3. No other integer multiples $m$ of $f_3$ are good because $f_3$ will be on different sides of the rays through $m$ and $f'$.
  4. No points $p$ strictly in between the rays $f_1$ and $f_3$ are good because $f_3$ will lie in the bounding rectangle of $p$ by the Fact, and $f_3$ will be on opposite sides of the rays through $p$ and $f'$.
  5. If $f_2\neq (0,1)$, then $f_2$ plus the last good multiple of $f_2$ found so far satisfies the Corollary, and therefore must be good. Call this point $m$. To check that $m$ satisfies the Corollary, note that $m$ lies in the bounding rectangle of $f_2+f_3$ and any point lying strictly between the rays through $f_3$ and the ray through $f_2$ must equal $f_2+f_3$ or contain $f_2+f_3$ in its bounding rectangle by the Fact, so no point in the bounding rectangle of $m$ lies on opposite sides of the rays through $f'$ and $m$.

The reasoning for $cross(f_3, f')\le 0$ is similar; $f_3$ is good, no additional multiples of $f_3$ are good, and no points strictly in between the rays $f_3$ and $f_2$ are good. One difference is that in this case, no additional multiples of $f_2$ are good.

The loop terminates with $f_2=(a/\gcd(a,b),b/\gcd(a,b))$, $cross(f',f_2)=0$, $f_1$ in the bounding rectangle of $f_2$, and $cross(f_1,f')=\gcd(a,b)$. Add $2(cross(f_1,f')-1)$ to the answer and return. This additional contribution comes from good points that are formed by adding a multiple of $f_2$ to $(0,0)$ or $f_1$.

Implementation Note: It is not necessary to maintain the values of $f_1$ and $f_2$. The code below only maintains $crs\_below=cross(f_1, f')$ and $crs\_above=cross(f', f_2)$. When we set $f_1=f_1+f_2$, we update $crs\_below=cross(f_1,f')-cross(f_2,f')=crs\_below-crs\_above$. When we set $f_2=f_1+f_2$, we update $crs\_above=cross(f', f_2)-cross(f_1,f')=crs\_above-crs\_below$.

def solve(a, b):
    crs_below, crs_above = b, a  # cross(f_1, f'), cross(f', f_2)
    ans = 0
    on_y_axis = True
    while True:
        if crs_below > crs_above:  # f_1 = f_1 + f_2
            crs_below -= crs_above
            ans += 1 + (not on_y_axis)
        else:  # f_2 = f_1 + f_2
            crs_above -= crs_below
            on_y_axis = False
            ans += 1
        if crs_above == 0:
    return ans + 2 * (crs_below - 1)

T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    print(solve(a, b))

Here is a version that prints the good multiples:

def add(a, b):
    return (a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1])

def solve(a, b):
    crs_below, crs_above = b, a  # cross(f_1, f'), cross(f', f_2)
    ans = 0
    on_y_axis = True
    f1 = (1, 0)
    f2 = (0, 1)
    lst_rep = None
    lst = None
    while True:
        print("f3 =", add(f1, f2), "(good)")
        if crs_below > crs_above:  # f_1 = f_1 + f_2
            print("f1 = f3")
            crs_below -= crs_above
            ans += 1 + (not on_y_axis)
            if not on_y_axis:
                if lst_rep != f2:
                    lst_rep = f2
                    lst = f2
                lst = add(lst, f2)
                print(lst, "(good: multiple of f2)")
            f1 = add(f1, f2)
        else:  # f_2 = f_1 + f_2
            print("f2 = f3")
            crs_above -= crs_below
            on_y_axis = False
            ans += 1
            f2 = add(f1, f2)
        if crs_above == 0:
            print("terminating soon ... (a, b) is multiple of f2")
            lst = f2
            for _ in range(crs_below - 1):
                print(add(f1, lst), "(good: f1 + multiple of f2)")
                lst = add(lst, f2)
                print(lst, "(good: multiple of f2)")
    return ans + 2 * (crs_below - 1)

T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    print(solve(a, b))

And here is the output of the program above for the last test case of the sample input:

f3 = (1, 1) (good)
f2 = f3
f3 = (2, 1) (good)
f1 = f3
(2, 2) (good: multiple of f2)
f3 = (3, 2) (good)
f1 = f3
(3, 3) (good: multiple of f2)
f3 = (4, 3) (good)
f1 = f3
(4, 4) (good: multiple of f2)
f3 = (5, 4) (good)
f2 = f3
f3 = (9, 7) (good)
f2 = f3
terminating soon ... (a, b) is multiple of f2
(13, 10) (good: f1 + multiple of f2)
(18, 14) (good: multiple of f2)
(22, 17) (good: f1 + multiple of f2)
(27, 21) (good: multiple of f2)

Full Solution: To speed up the above solution, we modify the loop to quickly process many steps corresponding to the same branch of the while loop. This runs in $O(\log (a+b))$ time because it is equivalent to the Euclidean algorithm.


def solve(a, b):
    crs_below, crs_above = b, a  # cross(f_1, f'), cross(f', f_2)
    ans = 0
    on_y_axis = True
    while True:
        if crs_below > crs_above:  # f_1 = f_1 + f_2
            mul = (crs_below - 1) // crs_above
            ans += mul * (1 + (not on_y_axis))
            crs_below -= mul * crs_above
        else:  # f_2 = f_1 + f_2
            mul = crs_above // crs_below
            ans += mul
            crs_above -= mul * crs_below
            on_y_axis = False
        if crs_above == 0:
    return ans + 2 * (crs_below - 1)

T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    print(solve(a, b))

Note 1: This problem was inspired by this Hacker Cup problem, though I don't know the intended solution. The only solution that passed in-contest runs in $O(N^2)$ time (with $N=10^6$).

Note 2: This problem is related to continued fractions and Farey sequences.