(Analysis by Danny Mittal)

Subtask 1: $U \leq 5000$

We will compute the answer to each query in $\mathcal O(U\lg U)$, achieving an overall $\mathcal O(U^2\lg U)$ solution.

For each query, first compute how many haybales Bessie actually receives on each day. After that, we will compute the set of days on which Bessie eats a haybales as a set of intervals of said days. First, sort the days. Then, maintain a stack of intervals, going through the days in increasing order.

For each day $d$, let $b$ be the number of haybales Bessie receives. If day $d$ falls within the interval on the top of the stack, then extend that interval by $b$. Otherwise, push a new interval $[d, d + b - 1]$ onto the stack representing the days on which Bessie eats the haybales she received on day $d$.

At the end, simply go through the stack and sum the sum of integers in each interval.

Subtask 2: Updates only increase the number of haybales arriving on $d$ day

The simplest solution for this subtask is to maintain a sorted version of the set of ranges described in the subtask 1 solution. Whenever an update is made, we add a new interval, then as long as it overlaps with some other interval, merge them into a single interval with the same length, maintaining the sum of days. This is $\mathcal O(U\lg U)$.

However, we will also describe the following solution which is more complicated but sets up the full solution.

We will answer the queries offline. Sort the days in order so that $d_k$ is the $k$-th day in sorted order, and construct a segment tree such that the $k$th leaf represents the interval $[d_k, d_{k + 1})$. We will use the segment tree to represent the set of intervals of days when Bessie eats. Because the queries are to the given days, we know that all such intervals will begin on a given day and therefore, when divided among the leaves of the segment tree, take up a prefix of each leaf.

Each node of the segment tree will store the total sum of days on which Bessie eats in the interval represented by that node, as well as the number of days in that interval on which Bessie currently does not eat. We can handle updates lazily: when we receive an update for a given node, if the day $d$ falls within the node's interval but after the starting day of that interval, we simply query both of its children, but if the starting day is less than or equal to the node's starting day, we first check if the amount $b$ of added haybales will saturate the left child, in which case we can trivially update the left child's data and then query the right child, and in the other case we simply only query the left child. This allows queries to be $\mathcal O(\lg U)$ as usual.

We now simply go through the queries, making updates to our segment tree with how much each query increases the number of haybales by on that day, and outputting the segment tree's root's value for the sum of days. The total runtime is again $\mathcal O(U\lg U)$.

No further constraints

The previously described segment tree cannot handle updates that remove haybales. We can handle this by making our segment tree strongly persistent and then applying divide and conquer.

A strongly persistent data structure is one in which when we make updates, the old version of the data structure is maintained and can even have updates applied to that same old version. This is easily achieved for any segment tree by making it so that when we update a node, instead of mutating that node's data, we receive a new node that is updated. Whenever a node's update involves updating its children, it can simply have its new version point to the new versions of its children.

Given our strongly persistent segment tree, we will perform divide and conquer on the queries. When we recursively solve for a given subsegment of queries, we will assume that we are also given a version of our segment tree in which the maximal updates have been made that could apply to the situation of any queries in the subsegment. That is, if our subsegment is $[l, r]$, and the amount of haybales Farmer John is delivering on day $d$ as of the $k$-th query is $b(d, k)$, we assume that we are given a segment tree where for each day $d$, the segment tree has been updated to include $\min_{k \in [l, r]} b(d, k)$ haybales arriving on day $d$.

This means that when we recurse down to a single query, the segment tree will be in exactly the right state to answer that query. Furthermore, we can update the given segment tree for the left and right halves of $[l, r]$ in an amount of updates to the segment tree linear in the length of $[l, r]$. To update for the left half, we note that days that do not occur in $[l, r]$ are already updated maximally, and then simply compute for each day in $[l, r]$ its amount of haybales before $l$ (which we can maintain in a global map), the minimum amount of haybales it ever has during the left half of $[l, r]$, and the minimum amount of haybales it ever has during the right half of $[l, r]$, then see if the third amount was less than the first and second amounts, in which case we need to make up the difference. The right half is similar.

Because the amount of segment tree updates is linear in the total lengths of all subsegments considered, and the union of all subsegments counts each position in the list of queries $\mathcal O(\lg U)$ times, we make $\mathcal O(U\lg U)$ segment tree updates, yielding an $\mathcal O(U\lg^2 U)$ time solution.

Danny Mittal's Java code:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class HungryCow {
    public static final long MOD = 1_000_000_007L;
    public static final long HALF = (MOD + 1L) / 2L;
    public static final long LAST_DAY = 200_000_000_000_000L;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
        int q = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
        long[] days = new long[q];
        long[] amts = new long[q];
        for (int j = 0; j < q; j++) {
            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(in.readLine());
            days[j] = Long.parseLong(tokenizer.nextToken());
            amts[j] = Long.parseLong(tokenizer.nextToken());
        SegmentTree root = SegmentTree.create(Arrays.stream(days).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()));
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        new Object() {
            Map<Long, Long> curr = new HashMap<>();
            void divideAndConquer(int from, int to, SegmentTree root) {
                if (from == to) {
                    long inCurr = curr.getOrDefault(days[from], 0L);
                    if (amts[from] > inCurr) {
                        root = root.update(days[from], amts[from] - inCurr);
                    out.append((HALF * root.sum) % MOD).append('\n');
                    curr.put(days[from], amts[from]);
                } else {
                    int mid = (from + to) / 2;
                    Map<Long, Long> minLeft = new HashMap<>();
                    Map<Long, Long> finalLeft = new HashMap<>();
                    for (int j = from; j <= mid; j++) {
                        long amt = amts[j];
                        minLeft.compute(days[j], (__, v) -> v == null ? amt : Math.min(v, amt));
                        finalLeft.put(days[j], amt);
                    Map<Long, Long> minRight = new HashMap<>();
                    for (int j = mid + 1; j <= to; j++) {
                        long amt = amts[j];
                        minRight.compute(days[j], (__, v) -> v == null ? amt : Math.min(v, amt));
                    SegmentTree leftRoot = root;
                    for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : minRight.entrySet()) {
                        long day = entry.getKey();
                        long amt = entry.getValue();
                        long base = curr.getOrDefault(day, 0L);
                        long next = Math.min(base, minLeft.getOrDefault(day, Long.MAX_VALUE));
                        if (next > amt) {
                            leftRoot = leftRoot.update(day, next - amt);
                    SegmentTree rightRoot = root;
                    for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> entry : minLeft.entrySet()) {
                        long day = entry.getKey();
                        long amt = entry.getValue();
                        long oldBase = curr.getOrDefault(day, 0L);
                        long prevHad = Math.min(amt, oldBase);
                        long base = finalLeft.getOrDefault(day, oldBase);
                        long next = Math.min(base, minRight.getOrDefault(day, Long.MAX_VALUE));
                        if (next > prevHad) {
                            rightRoot = rightRoot.update(day, next - prevHad);
                    divideAndConquer(from, mid, leftRoot);
                    divideAndConquer(mid + 1, to, rightRoot);
        }.divideAndConquer(0, q - 1, root);
    static class SegmentTree {
        final long from;
        final long to;
        final long sum;
        final long rem;
        final SegmentTree left;
        final SegmentTree right;
        public SegmentTree(long from, long to, long sum, long rem, SegmentTree left, SegmentTree right) {
            this.from = from;
            this.to = to;
            this.sum = sum;
            this.rem = rem;
            this.left = left;
            this.right = right;
        static SegmentTree leaf(long from, long to, long rem) {
            long usedUpTo = to - rem;
            return new SegmentTree(from, to, (((usedUpTo - from + 1L) % MOD) * ((from + usedUpTo) % MOD)) % MOD, rem, null, null);
        static SegmentTree emptyLeaf(long from, long to) {
            return leaf(from, to, to - from + 1L);
        static SegmentTree fullLeaf(long from, long to) {
            return leaf(from, to, 0);
        static SegmentTree combine(SegmentTree left, SegmentTree right) {
            return new SegmentTree(left.from, right.to, (left.sum + right.sum) % MOD, left.rem + right.rem, left, right);
        static SegmentTree create(List<Long> importantDays) {
            LinkedList<SegmentTree> queue = new LinkedList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < importantDays.size() - 1; j++) {
                long a = importantDays.get(j);
                long b = importantDays.get(j + 1);
                if (a < b) {
                    queue.add(emptyLeaf(a, b - 1L));
            queue.add(emptyLeaf(importantDays.get(importantDays.size() - 1), LAST_DAY));
            while (queue.size() > 1) {
                int rem = queue.size();
                while (rem > 0) {
                    if (rem >= 2) {
                        SegmentTree left = queue.remove();
                        SegmentTree right = queue.remove();
                        queue.add(combine(left, right));
                        rem -= 2;
                    } else {
            return queue.remove();
        SegmentTree update(long startingFrom, long amt) {
            if (startingFrom > to || amt == 0L) {
                return this;
            } else if (startingFrom <= from && amt >= rem) {
                return fullLeaf(from, to);
            } else if (left == null) {
                return leaf(from, to, Math.max(0L, rem - amt));
            } else {
                SegmentTree newLeft = left.update(startingFrom, amt);
                long stillAMT = amt - (left.rem - newLeft.rem);
                SegmentTree newRight = right.update(startingFrom, stillAMT);
                return combine(newLeft, newRight);

Translated into C++:

#include <algorithm>
#include <climits>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

const long MOD = 1000000007LL;
const long HALF = (MOD + 1LL) / 2LL;
const long LAST_DAY = 200000000000000LL;

struct SegmentTree {
    // https://github.com/kth-competitive-programming/kactl/blob/main/content/various/BumpAllocator.h
    inline static char buf[450 << 20] = {};
    inline static size_t i = sizeof buf;

    long from, to, sum, rem;
    SegmentTree *left, *right;

    SegmentTree(long from, long to, long sum, long rem, SegmentTree *left,
                SegmentTree *right) {
        this->from = from;
        this->to = to;
        this->sum = sum;
        this->rem = rem;
        this->left = left;
        this->right = right;

    static SegmentTree *leaf(long from, long to, long rem) {
        long usedUpTo = to - rem;
        i -= sizeof(SegmentTree);
        return new (&buf[i]) SegmentTree(
            from, to,
            (((usedUpTo - from + 1LL) % MOD) * ((from + usedUpTo) % MOD)) % MOD,
            rem, nullptr, nullptr);

    static SegmentTree *emptyLeaf(long from, long to) {
        return leaf(from, to, to - from + 1LL);

    static SegmentTree *fullLeaf(long from, long to) {
        return leaf(from, to, 0);

    static SegmentTree *combine(SegmentTree *left, SegmentTree *right) {
        i -= sizeof(SegmentTree);
        return new (&buf[i])
            SegmentTree(left->from, right->to, (left->sum + right->sum) % MOD,
                        left->rem + right->rem, left, right);

    static SegmentTree *create(vector<long> importantDays) {
        sort(importantDays.begin(), importantDays.end());
        queue<SegmentTree *> queue;
        for (int j = 0; j < importantDays.size() - 1; j++) {
            long a = importantDays[j];
            long b = importantDays[j + 1];
            if (a < b) { queue.push(emptyLeaf(a, b - 1LL)); }
            emptyLeaf(importantDays[importantDays.size() - 1], LAST_DAY));
        while (queue.size() > 1) {
            int rem = queue.size();
            while (rem > 0) {
                if (rem >= 2) {
                    SegmentTree *left = queue.front();
                    SegmentTree *right = queue.front();
                    queue.push(combine(left, right));
                    rem -= 2;
                } else {
                    SegmentTree *left = queue.front();
        return queue.front();

    SegmentTree *update(long startingFrom, long amt) {
        if (startingFrom > to || amt == 0L) {
            return this;
        } else if (startingFrom <= from && amt >= rem) {
            return fullLeaf(from, to);
        } else if (left == nullptr) {
            return leaf(from, to, max(0L, rem - amt));
        } else {
            SegmentTree *newLeft = left->update(startingFrom, amt);
            long stillAMT = amt - (left->rem - newLeft->rem);
            SegmentTree *newRight = right->update(startingFrom, stillAMT);
            return combine(newLeft, newRight);

namespace std {

// https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0200r0.html

template <class Fun> class y_combinator_result {
    Fun fun_;

    template <class T>
    explicit y_combinator_result(T &&fun) : fun_(std::forward<T>(fun)) {}

    template <class... Args> decltype(auto) operator()(Args &&...args) {
        return fun_(std::ref(*this), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

template <class Fun> decltype(auto) y_combinator(Fun &&fun) {
    return y_combinator_result<std::decay_t<Fun>>(std::forward<Fun>(fun));

}  // namespace std

long getOrDefault(map<long, long> &t, long x, long val) {
    return t.count(x) ? t.at(x) : val;
template <class T> void ckmin(T &a, const T &b) {
    if (a > b) a = b;
}  // set a = min(a,b)

int main() {
    int q;
    cin >> q;
    vector<long> days(q);
    vector<long> amts(q);
    for (int j = 0; j < q; j++) { cin >> days[j] >> amts[j]; }
    SegmentTree *root = SegmentTree::create(days);
    map<long, long> curr;
    y_combinator([&](auto divideAndConquer, int from, int to,
                     SegmentTree *root) -> void {
        size_t stored_i = SegmentTree::i;
        if (from == to) {
            long inCurr = getOrDefault(curr, days.at(from), 0L);
            if (amts.at(from) > inCurr) {
                root = root->update(days[from], amts[from] - inCurr);
            cout << ((HALF * root->sum) % MOD) << "\n";
            curr[days[from]] = amts[from];
        } else {
            int mid = (from + to) / 2;
            map<long, long> minLeft;
            map<long, long> finalLeft;
            for (int j = from; j <= mid; j++) {
                long amt = amts[j];
                if (minLeft.count(days[j])) ckmin(minLeft[days[j]], amt);
                else minLeft[days[j]] = amt;
                finalLeft[days[j]] = amt;
            map<long, long> minRight;
            for (int j = mid + 1; j <= to; j++) {
                long amt = amts[j];
                if (minRight.count(days[j])) ckmin(minRight[days[j]], amt);
                else minRight[days[j]] = amt;
            SegmentTree *leftRoot = root;
            for (auto [day, amt] : minRight) {
                long base = getOrDefault(curr, day, 0);
                long next = min(base, getOrDefault(minLeft, day, LLONG_MAX));
                if (next > amt) {
                    leftRoot = leftRoot->update(day, next - amt);
            SegmentTree *rightRoot = root;
            for (auto [day, amt] : minLeft) {
                long oldBase = getOrDefault(curr, day, 0);
                long prevHad = min(amt, oldBase);
                long base = getOrDefault(finalLeft, day, oldBase);
                long next = min(base, getOrDefault(minRight, day, LLONG_MAX));
                if (next > prevHad) {
                    rightRoot = rightRoot->update(day, next - prevHad);
            divideAndConquer(from, mid, leftRoot);
            divideAndConquer(mid + 1, to, rightRoot);
        SegmentTree::i = stored_i;  // rollback
    })(0, q - 1, root);

Note: It was also possible to fully solve this problem in $O(U\sqrt{U\lg U})$ time by processing every $\sqrt{U/\lg U}$ consecutive queries in $O(U)$ time.