(Analysis by Chongtian Ma)

Subtask 1: $N, Q \leq 100$

It suffices to re-evaluate the statement for every query and simulate the process outlined in the problem statement. Since we need to check if any ands or ors remain in the statement and replace the phrase with its evaluation, this process will take $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$. The time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(QN^2)$.

Subtask 2: $N, Q \leq 1000$

We can evaluate the statement in $\mathcal{O}(N)$. First, we need to evaluate all and phrases, and then all or phrases. When processing phrases with the same operator, since the processing order does not matter, we go from left to right.

In total, this will take $\mathcal{O}(QN)$ time.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

string eval_statement(vector<string> statement){
	int n = statement.size();
	vector<string> removed_and;
	// evaluate and first
	int i = 0;
	while(i < n){
		if(i < n - 1 && statement[i + 1] == "and"){
			string final_eval = statement[i];
			int j = i + 2;
                        // obtain the farthest consecutive and
			while(j < n && statement[j - 1] == "and"){
				if(statement[j] == "false"){
					final_eval = "false";
				j += 2;
			i = j;
			i += 2;
	// evaluate with ors only
	string final_eval = "false";
	for(string s: removed_and){
                // recall we only need one phrase to be true
		if(s == "true"){
			final_eval = "true";
	return final_eval;	

int main(){
	cin.tie(0) -> sync_with_stdio(0);
	int N, Q; cin >> N >> Q;
	vector<string> statement(N);
	for(string& s: statement) cin >> s;
		int l, r; string t; cin >> l >> r >> t;
		--l; --r;
		bool ok = false;
		for(string try_replace: {"true", "false"}){
			vector<string> new_statement;
			for(int i = 0; i < l; i++) new_statement.push_back(statement[i]);
			for(int i = r + 1; i < N; i++) new_statement.push_back(statement[i]);
			if(eval_statement(new_statement) == t){
				ok = true;
		cout << (ok ? 'Y' : 'N');

If using Python, we can use $\texttt{eval}$ instead of manually evaluating the statement.

Python (from Benjamin Qi):

N, Q = map(int, input().split())
keywords = input().split()
def capitalize_first(w):
	return w[:1].upper() + w[1:]
for i in range(0, N, 2):
	keywords[i] = capitalize_first(keywords[i])
assert N % 2 == 1
answers = []
for _ in range(Q):
	l, r, result = input().split()
	l = int(l)
	r = int(r)
	result = capitalize_first(result)
	assert l % 2 == 1 and r % 2 == 1
	answer = False
	for val in ["True", "False"]:
		res = keywords[:l-1] + [val] + keywords[r:]
		answer |= eval(" ".join(res)) == eval(result)
print("".join(map(lambda x: {False: 'N', True: 'Y'}[x], answers)))

No additional constraints

Let's call a maximal sequence of booleans separated by and operators a group. These groups are separated by or operators. For example, in the first sample, there are two groups, which we will surround with parentheses:

(false and true) or (true)

Observation 1: The statement evaluates to true if and only if at least one group that evaluates to true.

For the original statement, note the first and last groups that evaluate to true. For each query, denote the group that index $l$ is in by $gl$ and the group that index $r$ is by $gr$. First, we check if the first true group is before $gl$ or the last true group is after $gr$. If either of these hold, then at least one group evaluates to true, so the statement will be true regardless of what boolean value we replace the segment with.

Otherwise, we know for all $g$ where $g < gl$ or $g > gr$, group $g$ will evaluate to false, we can now focus on groups $g$ such that $gl \leq g \leq gr$. For each $g$, note the first and last false keywords. This is because as long as a group contains at least one false, it evaluates to false regardless of the remaining keywords in the group.

It is always optimal to replace the segment with the boolean value that the query asks for, because:

  1. If the value the statement evaluates to does not depend on the replaced value, it does not matter what we replace the segment with.
  2. Otherwise, the statement evaluates to the replaced value.

For queries asking for "true", we have to do another check if the segment contains the first false keyword of $gl$ and the last false keyword of $gr$. If it doesn't, then the statement will evaluate to false even if we replace the rest of the statement with "true". For queries asking for false, if we place a false, the statement will evaluate to false.

If we store the leftmost "false" and the rightmost "false" of each group, in addition to the first and last group that already evaluates to "true", we can answer each query in constant time. Thus, the total time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(N + Q)$.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INF = 1e9;

int main(){
	cin.tie(0) -> sync_with_stdio(0);
	int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
	vector<string> s(n);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) cin >> s[i];
	vector<int> group(n);
	int group_no = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
		if(s[i] == "or"){
			if(i % 2 == 0){
				group[i] = group_no;
	vector<int> first_false(group_no + 1, INF);
	vector<int> last_false(group_no + 1, -1);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2){
		int g = group[i];
		if(s[i] == "false"){
			if(first_false[g] == INF){
				first_false[g] = i;
			last_false[g] = i;
	int total_first_true = INF, total_last_true = -1;
	for(int i = 0; i <= group_no; i++){
		if(first_false[i] == INF){
			if(total_first_true == INF){
				total_first_true = i;
			total_last_true = i;
		int l, r; cin >> l >> r;
		--l; --r;
		string t; cin >> t;
		// we only need one true for whole statement to be true
		int l_group = group[l], r_group = group[r];
		if(total_first_true < l_group || total_last_true > r_group){
			cout << (t == "true" ? 'Y' : 'N');
		if(t == "true"){
			cout << (first_false[l_group] < l || last_false[r_group] > r ? 'N' : 'Y');
			cout << 'Y';

Python (from Benjamin Qi):

N, Q = map(int, input().split())
keywords = input().split()
assert N % 2 == 1 and len(keywords) == N
for i in range(0, N, 2):
    keywords[i] = keywords[i] == "true"
lowest_r = float("inf")
highest_l = -1
r = 0
while r < N:
    l = r
    group_result = keywords[l]
    while r + 1 < N and keywords[r + 1] == "and":
        r += 2
        group_result &= keywords[r]
    if group_result:
        lowest_r = min(lowest_r, r)
        highest_l = max(highest_l, l)
    r += 2
exists_false_left_of = [False] * N
for i in range(2, N, 2):
    if keywords[i - 1] == "or":
    exists_false_left_of[i] = exists_false_left_of[i - 2] or keywords[i - 2] == False
exists_false_right_of = [False] * N
for i in reversed(range(0, N - 1, 2)):
    if keywords[i + 1] == "or":
    exists_false_right_of[i] = exists_false_right_of[i + 2] or keywords[i + 2] == False
answers = []
for _ in range(Q):
    l, r, result = input().split()
    l = int(l) - 1
    r = int(r) - 1
    result = result == "true"
    assert l % 2 == 0 and r % 2 == 0
    eval_result = lowest_r < l or r < highest_l
    if not (exists_false_left_of[l] or exists_false_right_of[r]):
        eval_result |= result
    answers.append(result == eval_result)
print("".join(map(lambda x: {False: "N", True: "Y"}[x], answers)))